Julian Meetings - Meeting in Silence with God.

Those who attend these meetings for silent prayer often take a full part in the life of their own church, but some have no formal links.  The Julian Meetings in Shoreham-by-Sea is an opportunity to share a time of quiet prayer with others, followed by a time of fellowship.  The meetings are twice-monthly, in central Shoreham; Monday 7.30-8.30pm.  

If you are interested, please contact Jonathan Smith (01273 389207) or Revd Liz.

The purpose of the meetings is:

To foster the teaching and practice of contemplative or silent prayer & meditation in the Christian tradition.  

Encourage people to practise contemplative prayer and meditation in their daily lives, and to explore ways of doing this which are appropriate for them.

Nationally, The Julian Meetings support the individual ecumenical groups who meet regularly to practise Christian contemplative, silent prayer and meditation together.  Their booklet can be downloaded.