2 wonderful Carol Services as we approach Christmas Eve. Tickets are free but numbers are limited - book online to secure your tickets.

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Hosted by St Mary de Haura Children and Families.
Enjoy the Christmas Message and mark it with the lighting of Christingles. There will be a collection for the work of the Children's Society so we can share the gift of Christmas with other families

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The Parish Centre Posse will be selling Christmas gifts in the churchyard on Saturday 14th, weather permitting. Do come and say hello. Again, all to
raise funds for St Mary’s.

Notices Church_news Community_news Advent christmas

Come Celebrate! Shoreham gets especially festive and brings in the most wonderful Illuminations to show the town in its best light. Christmas Market and stalls, cafes and restaurants thronging and St Mary's church and the Parish Centre open too!

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