Facilities and features
There is a unisex, disabled-access toilet available on site.
Parking is limited to 6 vehicles. Priority is given to those with limited mobility.
There are car parks in town only a few minutes walk away.
There is a unisex, disabled-access toilet available on site.
Whilst not all of the church is wheelchair accessible, the main entrance benefits from level access.
Our Building
You are welcome to pop in for individual prayer from 9:30am each day. Closing varies through the year, but is usually around 5pm.
We have an interesting mix of traditional and more contemporary stained glass - most particularly our East Window which was designed and created after the second world war. It is unique in its portrayal of civilian and military personnel gathered around the cross of Christ.
Music and Worship
Our bellringers ring for us most Sundays, and for funerals, weddings and other occasions by arrangement. Bell Ringing rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings: our tower captain is always keen to show newcomers around the joys of bellringing....just let us know.
Groups, Courses and Activities
We are proud to host our 'Friendship Teas' once a month : on the Third Thursday of the month most of the time. Details and further information are available via our website 'What's On' Section.
We host a Messy Church event approximately 6 times per year, not least our now famous 'Light Party' at Halloween. Details and further information are generally available via our Facebook feed and via the 'What's On' section of our website.
The Mother's Union is very active here, with meetings and events hosted at least monthly. Further information is available on our noticeboards in church.
Help for Visitors
We believe it is important that our church is available for private prayer as much as possible and is available for this purpose most days between 0900 and 1700 (or so!). Morning prayer is said by our parish priest or others on most days at 0900: all are welcome to join them in offering prayers on behalf of our whole community.
Other Features
We host a foodbank centre in Midhurst which is part of Chichester District Foodbank. You can find out more information by visiting https://chichesterdistrict.foodbank.org.uk/
St Anns hall, just around the corner from the church, is available for hire. It is a warm and welcoming meeting room, with a small kitchenette and AV equipment available if needed. There is a toilet on site.