Welcome to our Church, a friendly, welcoming Christian community, meeting in our beautiful riverside church, where Christians have worshipped since the 8th Century.
We are a medium-sized church, with a membership of around 200 adults and 30 children. Our worship is reasonably traditional but not stuffy. ‘Informally formal’ would be a good description. We have a varied menu of services centred on the celebration of Holy Communion.
Some would call us ‘middle-of-the-road’ – we’re definitely not a party church, but we’re not wishy-washy either. We are a diverse church in terms of ethnicity, social and economic background, age, sexuality, gender identity, politics and strength of faith. Whatever your background, we hope you will find a welcome.
We have a strong musical tradition and a long history of serving this neighbourhood. We have strong links with Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, the Katherine Low Settlement, Battersea United Charities and Thomas’s Battersea.
We are a historic church. William Blake was married here; J M W Turner painted here; Benedict Arnold is buried here. Today’s Grade 1 Listed Building – recently extensively refurbished for the 21st century – was completed in 1777.
For more information please visit our website: Home Page - St Mary's Battersea
St Mary's Battersea Charity No. 1143469