About Us

We are a friendly and welcoming church with a mixture of services.  You will find a really warm welcome at any of our services.  We have weekly services at 8am and a family friendly service at 9.30am  There are groups for children and a creche at every 9.30 service and a once a month group for secondary age children.

In the month we have communion services on the first and third Sundays, Second Sunday is Messy church (starting with breakfast at 9.30 and then a short service and a longer time doing craft at the school) and an informal all age family service on the 4th Sunday of the month.  

On the second Sunday we have an adult service at 11am to complement the Messy church.  

On the Fifth Sunday of the month we have a 4pm Evensong

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Most Festivals are  at 10.30 / 11am</span>

Our aim is to seek, serve and follow Jesus Christ in this beautiful part of East Sussex on the edge of the Ashdown Forest.

Do come and visit us one Sunday - or feel free to ring and speak to me on 01892 665372.  If you would like more information or would just like to talk to someone about the Christian faith.

For Information about Services & Events at Holy Trinity, please click on "Services and Event"  to the left - this provides a clearer picture of what's happening at Holy Trinity.  Please do check our Regular and One-off Event.

 or look us up on Facebook.


Rev Mark Ashworth