Sung Eucharist: 9.30am @ St Wilfrid's Church BUT 10am on Palm & Easter Sundays, 24 & 31 March 2024

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

Almost every Sunday in the year our Sunday Sung Eucharist at St Wilfrid's Church is at 9.30am, with the singing led by our choir. EXCEPTIONS: 10am on Palm Sunday 24 March - when we are pleased once again to welcome Haywards Heath Methodist Church, and their Minister as our preacher - and 10am on Easter Sunday 31 March (after remembering to wind your clocks 1 hour FORWARD on Saturday night 30 March). Our 10am Easter Sunday service is an All Together Eucharist, for people of all ages. If you wish to receive a gluten-free wafer at Communion, please ask before the service begins. We serve tea and coffee in the church just after this service: do stay and enjoy this with us.

Other exceptions to our weekly 9.30am start time are when we hold our Sung Eucharists, instead, at 10am and are joined by the congregation of the other church in our parish, the Presentation Church, New England Road - for example, on our Patronal festival in early October. On the last Sunday in January or first Sunday in February 2024 the St Wilfrid's 9.30am congregation join the Presentation Church, New England Road (at the T junction with Western Road) for their patronal festival, which is at 10am followed by refreshments in the Presentation Church Hall.

In addition to our Sunday Sung Eucharist, we celebrate a weekly Wednesday 12 noon Said Eucharist at St Wilfrid's Church, where on each First Sunday of the month at 8am we additionally offer a Said Holy Communion, using the Book of Common Prayer, and on the Third Sunday of the month, following our 9.30am Sung Eucharist, we celebrate our All Age Eucharist at 11am, at which families are especially welcome. Monthly Choral Evensong (Book of Common Prayer) at St Wilfrid's is at 6pm on the Second Sunday of the month.

All Age Eucharist @ St Wilfrid's (11am, 3rd Sunday)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

As part of our new services schedule at our two churches in St Wilfrid's Parish, which we introduced on Shrove Tuesday, 1st March 2022, we are now offering a monthly Sunday morning All Age Eucharist at 11am in St Wilfrid's Church - except in August.

There are refreshments in church after the service, which very much involves the whole family.

11am All Age Eucharist, Third Sundays at St Wilfrid's Church

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

Families are especially welcome to join us at St Wilfrid's Church at 11am on the Third Sunday of the month for our Eucharist service designed for people of all ages.

If you would like a gluten-free Communion wafer, please ask before the service begins.

We have a small private car park for Church and Hall users behind the Church, next to our Centenary Hall off St Wilfrid's Way (opposite the big Orchards car park).

Community Social Morning - Tues 10.30am-12 noon @ Centenary Hall

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins

Join us over coffee or tea at 10.30am on Tuesdays - except in August - for a friendly chat and/or to browse and buy books and crafts in our Centenary Hall. (The Hall is just behind St Wilfrid's Church, next to the big Orchards car park and with our own small car park, free to Centenary Hall and Church users). From the Hall there is a magnificent view over Victoria Park to the South Downs.

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Wednesday Mid-day Said Eucharist at St Wilfrid's Church

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

Every Wednesday at 12 noon you are very welcome to join us at St Wilfrid's Church, Church Road, for our Said Eucharist service.

Please ask before the service begins if you would like a gluten-free Communion wafer.

8am Said Holy Communion (BCP), First Sundays @ St Wilfrid's Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

Every first Sunday of the month at St Wilfrid's Church, in addition to our weekly 9.30am Sung Eucharist (Common Worship), we celebrate Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer. You will be most welcome.

If you would like a gluten-free Communion wafer, please ask before the service begins.

We have a small private car park behind the Church, next to our Centenary Hall off St Wilfrid's Way.

Choral Evensong at 6 @ St Wilfrid's (BCP, 2nd Sunday) - then concerts at 7 from January to June 2024

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

You are most welcome to join us at St Wilfrid's Church, Church Road, at 6pm on the Second Sunday of the month for the beautiful traditional service of Choral Evensong, in which the singing is led by our choir and organist.

Afterwards there are complimentary refreshments served in the Church: do stay to join us to enjoy those.

ALSO, after the refreshments from January to June 2024 inclusive, at about 7pm we present free concerts at which donations are invited to help us establish Choral Scholarships at St Wilfrid's Church for emerging local musical talent.

Monthly Ecumenical Taize Service @ 8pm (3rd Wednesday at 8pm)

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Wilfrid
Church Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3QH, United Kingdom

We warmly welcome visitors from all our local churches to our ecumenical Taize service of prayers, silences and the singing of simple Taize Community chants. This half-hour worship is held every Third Wednesday of the month at 8pm in St Wilfrid's Church.

2nd & 4th Mondays Community Social Afternoon, 2.30-4pm @ Presentation Church Hall

Monday 10 April 2023, Monday 24 April 2023, Monday 08 May 2023, Monday 22 May 2023, Monday 12 June 2023, Monday 26 June 2023, Monday 10 July 2023, Monday 24 July 2023 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Church of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple
New England Road Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 3JZ, United Kingdom

Every Second Monday and Fourth Monday afternoon of the month you are most welcome to join us, from 2.30pm to 4pm, for free-of-charge tea or coffee and cake and a friendly chat in the Presentation Church Hall, New England Road, at its T junction with Western Road.

Just behind the Hall and Church is our small car park, accessed via the Marylands cul-de-sac off New England Road (Marylands is alongside the Church and Hall).