Messy Mass

for 1 hour
St Richard's Parish Church
Sydney Rd Haywards Heath, RH16 1QE, United Kingdom

In informal Mass for children, families and the young at heart. Half way through the Mass there is a short break for Art and Craft activities. The service includes singing, action songs and signing and lasts about 1 hour (including the craft activities) Once Mass is ended we enjoy refreshments together.

St Richard's Parish Church

Welcome to St Richard's, Haywards Heath. 

We are a friendly and welcoming church within the catholic tradition of the Church of England.

The offering of the Mass is central to our life and each Sunday this is done with music and ceremony bringing the best that we can offer to God in worship,

We wish to carry the love of Jesus to everyone who comes through our church doors and beyond into the wider community through our prayer but also through our activities.

We run a Dementia friendly cafe twice a month where people can come along for a cup of tea or coffee, cake and bsicuits. There are usually entertaineravailable to sing some well known soings. The cafe is open and free to anyone affetced by dementia, their carers, family, loved ones or friends.

Ric's Bench (Monday evenings and Friday afternoons) is a safe space for people to come and be. Tea and coffee is always available, along with cakes and biscuits. There are people to chat to, or simply sit with, or you can make your own space in the hall or grounds and just enjoy a warm safe space.

Whether you live in Haywards Heath or are just visiting you are most welcome to join us at any of our services or social activities.

Get in touch

Fr David King SSC

The Rectory,
Haywards Heath Road,
RH17 6PA

Tel: 01444 413621 (usually answer phone) or 07442 309892

Vicar (and Rector of St aAry's Balcombe)
01444 413621

Our website

What's on

Messy Mass

for 1 hour
St Richard's Parish Church
Sydney Rd Haywards Heath, RH16 1QE, United Kingdom

In informal Mass for children, families and the young at heart. Half way through the Mass there is a short break for Art and Craft activities. The service includes singing, action songs and signing and lasts about 1 hour (including the craft activities) Once Mass is ended we enjoy refreshments together.