Facilities and features


We have male and female toilet facilities, plus a fully accessible disabled toilet which also may be used for baby changing.

Baby changing may be done in the disabled toilet.

On-street parking may be available on Laton Road and in the surrounding area. We try to reserve spaces for weddings and funerals outside the church on Laton Road to give a level access.

We are preparing to make our Church and Hall truly Disabled Accessible and have built a fully disabled accessible toilet.

Our Priest is on the spectrum, so you will receive a supportive and empathetic welcome!

We have a defibrillator outside the church on the wall near the main entrance. It is combination lock protected and the code is given when a 999 call is made and the defribillator identifier told to the ambulance controller. We thank Hastings Lions for their generous help providing this equipment.

At the moment via a portable ramp but we hope to have a fixed, permanent disabled access when circumstances allow

The Hearing Induction loop is active all the time the church sound system is active.

Larger print service sheets and Bibles are available

All Assistance Dogs are welcome at all services and to visit when the church is open.

We have three Dementia Friends and our Sacristan is trained in Dementia Therapy.

Our Building

We try to open up the church when we can. Look for the Open sign outside when this is possible.

Stained Glass

Christ Church Blacklands and St. Andrew Hastings is designated at Grade II* for the following principal reasons; It is an example of Victorian Gothic Revival church-building with an interior of outstanding interest due to an exceptionally rich decorative scheme, fittings and stained glass added some twenty years after the original building.

Music and Worship

We have a peal of eight bells which are rung for Sunday and special services, such as weddings and funerals, and for special occasions.

We host occasional music concerts. These will be publicised on our notice boards, website etc

Our Willis Organ, with Great, Swell, Choir and Pedal, is played for most main services.

We have a small choir currently and are hoping to expand! Come along to choir practise, usually held on Wednesdays at 2 pm

Groups, Courses and Activities

Beavers and Cubs usually meet on Thursday evenings in the church hall. Please check the website Parish Hall page for the times.

We enjoy coffee and biscuits in church on Wednesday mornings from 10:30, following our midweek Communion service. All welcome!

Our Blacklands Afternoon Fellowship meet on the fourth Monday afternoon of every month from September to June, with an outing in July. http://www.blacklands-parish.co.uk/page13.html

Please see our website for full details

Beavers and Cubs usually meet on Thursday evenings in the church hall. Please check the website Parish Hall page for the times.

Slimming World meet for two sessions every week at 10:00 a.m., for the weigh-in and 10:30 a.m., for Image Therapy every Friday Morning. Contact Amanda Ray for more details on 07785169325

We support the local food-bank, Street Pastors and Seaview homeless support.

Poppins Toddlers and Carers group meet on Thursday Mornings. Please see our website for up to date times and dates.

Our Authorised Lay Minister for Pastoral Care also is a Senior Prayer Pastor for Hastings Street Pastors and in keen to recruit more pastors to help on the streets or the Safe Space.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

We open up when we can - look out for the Open sign outside when we are!

Dog friendly

Other Features

We are a collecting point for the Hastings Food Bank and can receive donations whenever the church is manned.

We occasionally use a projector and screen for some one-off services

Our Hall is a valuable community resource for meetings, activities etc.
Please see our website at http://www.blacklands-parish.co.uk/page9.html for more information