Morning Prayer on 'Zoom'

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Holy Trinity
Priory Rd/Lewes Rd Forest Row, RH18 5AF, United Kingdom

Quiet reflective service of prayer and readings lasting about 25 minutes - a great way to start the day. Everyone welcome to join us.

Holy Trinity

Welcome to the Parish churches of Forest Row and Ashurst Wood in Sussex. We are active churches at the centre of our villages' life. We offer a range of services, activities and events that aim to meet the needs of our members and of our wider community. In all we do, our aim is to draw people of all ages and backgrounds into a deeper understanding and experience of the Christian life – life with God at the centre and we believe, as God intended it for us all.

We have a broad worship tradition, welcoming people from a wide variety of backgrounds and stages in their ‘journey of faith’.

Please take a look around our web site. Feel free to get in contact with us by phone or email, but most of all we’d love to welcome you in person at either Holy Trinity in Forest Row or St. Dunstan's in Ashurst Wood.

Get in touch

Parish Office

St Dunstan's Church, Chapel Lane, Ashurst Wood

RH19 3QT
Jackie Bramley - Facilities Manager (Interim)
01342 822954

Our website

What's on

Morning Prayer on 'Zoom'

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Holy Trinity
Priory Rd/Lewes Rd Forest Row, RH18 5AF, United Kingdom

Quiet reflective service of prayer and readings lasting about 25 minutes - a great way to start the day. Everyone welcome to join us.