Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

Limited Carparking is available to people attending Mass or events either in Church or in the Hall

We have a ladies, Gentlemen's and Disabled facility

There is one accessible specific parking space

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print service books are available

Our Building

St Saviour's is open every day between 08.30 and 17.30

Stained Glass

Grade II* Listed

Music and Worship

By invitation

Events are advertised on our notice board or on our website http://www.stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk

A four manual Walker organ with 2688 pipes and 54 stops.

Sunday Evensong when it is sung

At Solemn Mass every Sunday and at Special Feast Days and Holy Days.
Also Evensong on some Summer months

Groups, Courses and Activities

After Solemn Mass every Sunday

Chat-Stop second Saturday of the month 10.00am -12noon

Wellbeing Community Café every Tuesday afternoon 2-4pm

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

There are members of the congregation available most days to take people around the church.

Full guided tours available on request.

There are free leaflets that give a brief guided tour in English, French German, Polish and Italian.
There is also a comprehensive guide to the church available priced £2.00

There is a Church shop selling a small range of religious items and cards

Church Open

Other Features


There is a Food Bank Collection Point within the Baptistry of the Church and the Church Hall acts as a distribution point of Fridays – 10.00 -14.00.

We have a range of adio visual facilities available in our church hall

See our web page: