Love. Community. Belief - our church building and our lived mission

St George’s Church, set in a rural landscape surrounded by farmland has a churchyard carpeted with snowdrops, bluebells and primroses in the spring with areas for wildflowers, bat tiles in the roofs, swift boxes under chancel eaves and an owl box, used by barn owls, in a tree. The worn steps are testament to the feet that have passed through the centuries. To come into our church you will feel an exquisite sympathy. Come and visit - we will even try and accommodate you outside service fours if you drop us an email. To whet your appetite there is a brief description below.

But our christian community is as much about movement as monument. Following conversations with our congregation and the wider Donnington community St George's leadership (the Parochial Church Council - PCC) has a mission, to:-

1. Step into a community leadership role

2. Continue to experiment with our services with more Cafe church and trying new ways of worship

3. Keep our music and style of service varied

4. Take services to those who are vulnerable

5. Not retreat into a small group of Sunday worshippers viewed with a mixture of bemusement or suspicion by the wider community. 

A copy of our plan is also attached. If you would like to know more please come and meet us at a Sunday service or the Saturday morning hub at the hall.

About_St_Georges_, PDF


St_Georges_Donnington_Mission_Action_Plan_PDF, PDF
