What's going on at the Hall - clubs and groups. Or start your own!!!!!

Donnington has few public facilities - which is why St George's Church is keen that our parish hall is put to community use. Over 30 clubs and organisations now meet at the hall and a list of these is below together with contact details.

We are always expanding and if you want to make an inquiry or book a private function get in touch with our amazingly helpful booking secretary Judith O'Sullivan by emailing [email protected] or phoning 07865 222514.

But why stop there? Why accept that  "nothing happens in Donnington"?

Which is why our church and the Donnington Parish Council have come together to set up a partnership initiate to help get these ideas off the ground. We have each committed £5000 to make this happen. 

The money could mean free use of the Hall for, say, a 3 month period. We would offer help with investment in extra Hall equipment to help a group get going and how things like insurance are taken care of and helping with publicity.

If you have an idea that you would like help with there is a simple form attached (together with the Fund rules). Please complete and return to [email protected] and we will get back to you. And to be clear - we as a Church are not looking for converts; our simple aim is to spread the love and care on which our faith is based.  

Parish Hall activity leads, PDF


Word_Outline_idea_of_bid_to_Community_Partnership_Initiative 2, DOCX
