About Us
From family-friendly services and social groups to quiet times of prayer and pastoral care, the Church seeks to welcome, serve, bring together and support all members of the Crawley Down community on their journey of life, faith and fellowship.
Over the years, both the Church and the village have seen many changes however All Saints’ remains a steadfast and dedicated core of our community.
The Church Office, located in the Upper Room of the Glebe Centre, is generally open on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings.
Pastoral care: Cake & Company (on the second Tuesday of each month)
Children & families: Smilers Sunday School, Tiny Tots Pre-School Parent/Toddler Group, Youth Club (for children in Crawley Down in Years 6-8)
Other groups for all ages: Church Choir, Chimes, Flower Guild
USEFUL LINKSThe Glebe Centre (Community Hall) : https://www.facebook.com/GlebeCentreCD/