Following the departure earlier this year of Fr Keith to pastures new, and
a Diocesan-wide review by Deanery of the needs of Parishes and the
availability of resources, we are very pleased to announce that the
decision has been made at Diocesan level to place the parish of St. Peter,
Cowfold into a new benefice with the parish of Lower Beeding
(St. John the Evangelist Coolhurst, and Holy Trinity Lower Beeding).
The Wardens and PCC of St Peter’s believe that this is a very positive
change, particularly as Lower Beeding parish has many deep-seated
existing links with us, historically, culturally and socially. The Godman
family, historical patrons of St. Peter’s, supported Lower Beeding equally
and attended worship in the two parishes on alternate weeks. The current
links between the two parishes are many and various, with residents in
one village regularly attending services in the other church (or both).
Several members of one church have families who live and worship in the
other parish. Our worship pattern is similar and the potential benefit to
both parishes is great.
We earnestly look forward to developing our spiritual lives together with
our friends at St. John the Evangelist and Holy Trinity. This change will
take effect once a new priest is appointed, but in the meantime, our
Services will continue as advertised.
Fr Martin will continue to be involved at St. Peter’s, sharing his time
between us and St. Mary Magdalene, Bolney.