Annual Parochial Church Meeting

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Canon Rob Dillingham  informed all that it had finally been agreed, to appoint a House for Duty (HfD) incumbent to Cowden who will work in a ministerial team led by Rev’d Julie Sear (Hartfield and Colemans Hatch). He explained that a HfD post means that someone will live in the Rectory, rent free and give 2.5 days a week to the Church.

The relationship between Cowden and Hartfield / Colemans Hatch will remain informal initially with Cowden staying in East Grinsted Deanery. Hartfield and Colemans Hatch are in Rotherfield Deanery. He explained that the cost of moving Cowden into Rotherfield Synod will be considerable and very time consuming, so it had been agreed to get a HfD in post first.

Rob stated that this is the best solution for Cowden at this present time as it will ensure that there is a priestly and authorized cover living in the village.