Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 20 mins
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

Join us for Morning Prayer held in the peaceful setting of our St Peter's Chapel (entrance located within the main church) following the words of Common Worship.

Thursday Eucharist

Every Thursday at for 40 mins
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

Join us for a peaceful Eucharist Service every Thursday, followed by coffee.

Ignite Youth Group

Every Friday at for 1 hour
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

St Paul's Youth Group for girls and boys aged 7-11years.
Contact Emma via the "Get in Touch" page for more information or to be added to the waiting list.
This term's programme is attached so you can see the sorts of things we get up to.

View attachment

Term-time only

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 40 mins
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

Join us for Holy Communion using the beautiful traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer.

Parish Eucharist with Junior Church

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Paul's Chichester
St Paul's Chichester, Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

Our celebration of the Eucharist at 10am on Sundays is a joyous family occasion. Our robed choir lead our hymn-singing which includes a mixture of the traditional and the more modern. Children are invited to join Junior Church in the adjacent Parish Centre during the first part of the service. Our excellent team of Junior Church leaders provide a time of age-appropriate worship, teaching, activities and prayer for the younger members of our church family while the older members listen to God's Word. Children then re-join their family in church and we share The Eucharist together.
After the service everyone is welcome to join us for refreshments in the Parish Centre.
Most weeks there is a stall selling recycled greetings cards, and once a month we have a Traidcraft Stall selling Fair Trade products.


Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

St Paul's Fellowship of the Third Age.
Anyone over 60 is welcome to join us at our monthly meetings when we enjoy getting together for a topical discussion over a cup of tea. Details of upcoming meetings are usually given in The Grapevine.

Mothers' Union

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 45 mins
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

Join us for our regular monthly meetings. Despite the name, you don't need to be a mother, and gentlemen are most welcome too! We usually gather for Eucharist at 10am in church followed by coffee in the Parish Centre, before re-grouping for our meeting at 11am.

Ladies' Group

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Paul's Chichester
Churchside Chichester, PO19 6FT, United Kingdom

Our relaxed friendly meetings include a varied programme of talks & discussions: details of up-coming meetings can be found in The Grapevine (see News and Notices page). Refreshments are served, and most meetings also include either a small raffle or a Bring and Buy table. Members are invited to bring along contributions for the Chichester District Foodbank.
Everyone is welcome - gentlemen too!

Afternoon Tea & BCP Evening Prayer

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 2 hours
St Michael's Hall
St Michael's Hall, Summersdale Road Chichester, PO19 6PN

Join us from 3-5pm at St Michael’s Hall on the first Sunday of every month for Afternoon Tea and Evening Prayer (said using the traditional words of the Book of Common Prayer). All welcome.