St. Martin’s Vicarage Upper Wellington Road Brighton BN2 3AN November 2023 My dear friends, The clocks having gone back on the Sunday this issue is published will see me looking forward to Spring. However with the days shortening the timetables need adjusting. While the Wagner Group gathers at S Barnabas’ Hove to celebrate the great Feast of All Saints, there will be a said Mass here at the regular time of 12.30. The next day, All Souls Day, the Solemn Mass will be sung at 12noon with a further said Mass as the later time of 7pm to enable as many people as possible to attend on the day. To the contrary, this year S Martin’s Day falls on a Saturday and therefore the Mass will be at 12noon and this ensures that as a Parish Family we can worship together on our patron’s festival. A Parish Family it will be, as I am grateful to Mrs Joshi for encouraging the school choir to be present with us. We also look forward to welcoming the Archdeacon of Chichester (the Venerable Luke Irvine-Capel) as our preacher and also our great friend Deacon Rebecca Swyer. Having written of the Parish Family I am reminded that the 2024 Diary was published a couple of weeks ago, if you have not picked up your copy please remember to do so and also to transfer the events into your personal diaries. This was finalised after the Fund Raising Group met to finalise the plans for the Winter Wonderland to take place at the beginning of next month: with some exciting innovations and tweaks, it thus promises to be an enjoyable (and hopeful rewarding) day, please everyone support us at this event. With my love and prayers,Fr. Trevor
My dear friends, October begins with the traditional observance of Harvest Thanksgiving. In Church on the Sunday we shall also be able to enjoy a themed Parish Lunch, the relevance of this was renewed for me when in preparation for the School Celebration I revisited the instructions in Deuteronomy on the keeping of the Feast of Tabernacles. After a week of collecting in School the offerings will all be brought to Church for the celebration at 9.15 on Friday 6th: while this is not a Mass I would still encourage you to experience a more informal School Worship. This year we are collecting dry food for the City Mission Foodbank together with toiletries and laundry products for the First Base Homeless Centre. Last month I drew your attention to the Diocesan Walsingham Celebration to be held at Saint Bartholomew’s on October 14th. The full details of this are printed on the Sunday Bulletin. Two and a half weeks on from that as we begin the month of November the Wagner Group will be gathering at S Barnabas’ Hove on November 1st at 7pm to celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints Day. (There will be a said Mass here at 12.30 for those unable to join the principal celebration in the evening.) This leads me to note that the All Souls’ lists will appear as the month proceeds. There will be a Solemn Mass at 12noon on November 2nd and a said Mass at 7pm. Please print the names of your loved ones on the list for the Mass you intend to attend. If you truly cannot be present at either it is of course our privilege to pray on your behalf. With my love and prayers,Fr. Trevor