St. Martin’s Vicarage
Upper Wellington Road
February 2025
My dear friends,
February opens with the wonderful celebration of the Feast of Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. Fondly known as ’Candlemass’ due to the ceremonial attached to the liturgy, in the Book of Common Prayer it is called ’The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary’. Prior to the Second Vatican Council this day marked the end of the Christmass Season that is now marked by the Feast of Our Lord’s Baptism on the Sunday after Epiphany: however in some churches and ironically in the City of Rome you will still find some tired Nativity Scenes in place until this day.
This year is the one designated that the Parish Electoral Roll be totally renewed. The required notice is at the Church door and, to fulfil the requirement to make every effort to inform people on the existing Roll of the need to apply again, letters are at the back of Church and in Pigeon Holes. We ask you to help deliver these and thus avoid a heavy post bill. Ange or her deputy will supply the application forms.
Last Year in the hope of avoiding wintry weather we held the first Parish Lunch of the Year on the Sunday before Lent and we plan to do so again this year: that is Sunday 2nd March: tickets will soon be available.
Invitations to the 150th Anniversary Mass (May 1st 7pm) have been sent to past Assistant Priests and some Civil Officers so make sure the date is in your diary. At the same time a small group has met to share responsibilities for the Flower Festival: please remember our appeal for memorabilia for this and the presentation at the Celebration Lunch: on that latter point have you and yours booked your tickets?
Lastly, for fear of a shortage of egg sandwiches, let the reader understand, please support the Jumble Sale on February 8th.
With my love and prayers,
Fr. Trevor