September News

September 2024 PDF version.pdf Download

St. Martin’s Vicarage

Upper Wellington Road



September 2024

My dear friends,

I cannot believe how early in August I am writing the September letter—you will be relieved therefore that it will be quite short!

So far the Summer has led up to our usual British expectations—unpredictable and changeable! The four days that we spent together as the Wagner Group Pilgrimage were some of the hottest of the year, though I was sorry for the Youth Pilgrims that it rained on their second day, (well it did here!), on the whole I think they fared better, camping as they were in the open air!

One thing Walsingham is not, well may be two, is ‘unpredictable and changeable’! The spirit of prayer and holiness meets one at the Altar of the Annunciation, the beauty of worship (despite some old fashioned trimmings) is all embracing and after all that the words of the farewell hymn never cease to choke.

Plans are in place for next year’s pilgrimage (28-31 July) and we look forward to being rejoined by our friends from S Michael’s again. While it seems a long way off please do reserve your place: there were five other parish groups there this year who will probably be looking for pl aces too: this means that it may not be possible to accept late bookings and it also means that you can pay slowly week by week which will ease the cost.

Continuing on the same theme—remember the Diocesan Walsingham Festival on

Saturday 28th—as well as the Wagner Clergy, Our Lady extends an invitation as well!

With my love and prayers,

Fr. Trevor