August News

August 2024 pdf version.pdf Download

St. Martin’s Vicarage

Upper Wellington Road



August 2024

My dear friends,

“Receive the sign of the Cross, remember Jesus loves you. Follow him always” rings readily in my ears as I write for this edition of the monthly news. That is because I write on the day of The Leavers Mass during which the Year 6 leavers are anointed with holy oil in the manner that the Church has strengthened her children for their

Calling at Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders.

I am calling this to mind this month as we can now inform you that the School had a “Good “ Ofsted inspection and within the five criteria both ‘Behaviour and Attitude’ and ‘Personal Development’ were each graded “Outstanding”. I am writing this in order to congratulate my staff colleagues on the result and also to highlight the school’s centrality to the missionary life of this Parish.

The ministry of the School will feature among the celebrations of the Parish’s 150th Anniversary next year, the programme for which has recently been launched. I mention this now as now is the time to book for the Celebration Lunch on June 29th and also to begin looking out any memorabilia that may enrich the Flower Festival. With regard to the former we need an initial thirty-five bookings in order to secure the venue but they can be added to as I hope you will be encouraging others with a link past or present to join this event.

Returning to the theme of anointing, in case you have not seen the Sunday Bulletin for July 6th , I would like to reiterate my thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts and card on the occasion of my 40th anniversary ; to Frs. Andrew and Robert for their kind words; and to Ange for organising the whole thing.

That brings me to the final and most joyful news in this month’s offering. I am

delighted to congratulate Ange on being awarded the Diocesan Order of Saint
Richard . This so rightly reflects many years of devoted and tireless service to the Parish and the People of God it serves.

With my love and prayers,

Fr. Trevor