December News

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From_the_Vicar Advent christmas

St. Martin’s Vicarage

Upper Wellington Road



December 2023

My dear friends,

It will be a joy to welcome Fr. Robert and Paula Norbury into the S Martin’s family on Advent Sunday. As I told the congregation two weeks ago Father is continuing his vocations and chaplaincy work for the Diocese yet will be sharing his sacramental ministry with us. I have included him on the Sunday rotas but as yet have to have a conversation as to how much we shall see of him in the week. I know you will make them both welcome.

The details of the principal acts of worship before and during the Christmass Festival are listed on the back page: there are however two more I would draw your attention to. The first being Wednesday 6th at 9.15am when we shall be celebrating the School Christingle Service and the second being Friday 15th at 2pm when this term concludes with our Carol Service. I would also encourage you to support the PTA’s Christmass Fayre that will take place in School on Friday 8th December at 3.30pm.

On that Day , the Solemnity of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception, there will be a said Mass here at 11am and then the Wagner Cell of the Holy House is coming together for a Solemn Mass at S Paul’s at 7pm.

Christmass Eve falling on a Sunday enables us to better spiritually prepare as we gather in the morning for the Mass of Advent IV. The Church decorating will have begun the day before but I am sure you will understand why there will not be the usual social gathering after Mass that day.

On behalf of Fr. Andrew, Fr Nick and Fr. Robert I take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed Christmass!

With my love and prayers,

Fr. Trevor