Knit and Natter

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St Barnabas, Bexhill-on-Sea town centre parish
St Barnabas Church Sea Road/Cantelupe Road Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1JG, United Kingdom

For knitters, crochet and nattering. All are welcome.
Tea and coffee provided. We have yarn, needles and crochet hooks, and help for beginners.

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Check in church about Bank Holidays.

Weekday Holy Communion

Every Tuesday and Friday at for 30 mins
St Barnabas, Bexhill-on-Sea town centre parish
St Barnabas Church Sea Road/Cantelupe Road Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1JG, United Kingdom

Tuesday & Friday.


Every Monday and Thursday at for 3 hours
St Barnabas, Bexhill-on-Sea town centre parish
St Barnabas Church Sea Road/Cantelupe Road Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1JG, United Kingdom

HUG are a Christian Charity that meet at St Barnabas Church, Sea Road, Bexhill.
HUG is a FREE Service available for ALL residents of Bexhill & Rother who are threatened with homelessness, in unstable housing, rough sleeping, or those who find themselves homeless...
HUG help you connect with local Services, including health matters if you need them, we can contact local Agencies & also the local Council’s, & generally help you get through any immediate emergencies...

and Saturdays 4 pm to 5 pm (food served until 4:30 pm)

Pat's Chat Room

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Barnabas church
St Barnabas church, Sea Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1JJ

A community group for the bereaved
Feeling lonely, isolation, or lost?
No one to share your loss or sadness with?
Then we invite you to come and join us for chat with others who have lost a special person in their life.

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Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Barnabas, Bexhill-on-Sea town centre parish
St Barnabas Church Sea Road/Cantelupe Road Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1JG, United Kingdom

Our main weekly service, joining together as a community.
Communion service with a sermon (10 minutes) and hymns.
Coffee after the service.

Coffee, Cake and Chat morning

Monthly. Every Last Saturday at for 2 hours
St Barnabas, Bexhill-on-Sea town centre parish
St Barnabas Church Sea Road/Cantelupe Road Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1JG, United Kingdom

Please join us on the last Saturday of the month, from 11am, for coffee, tea, choices of cake, a welcome and a chat. (Not in August and December).