Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary’s Battle
Upper Lake Battle, TN33 0AN, United Kingdom

Cocaine Anonymous meets every Tuesday evening in the Benedicta Whistler Centre at St Mary’s. 7 - 8.30pm
Free and confidential support provided by Cocaine Anonymous who describe themselves as addicts who meet together to share their hope, faith and courage for the purpose of staying sober and helping others achieve the same freedom. Every meeting is confidential and there is no fee. The meetings are based on the Twelve Step Recovery programme. They are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution.
For more information, please visit:

For further details about this particular group, please email us on:
[email protected]


Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary’s Battle
Upper Lake Battle, TN33 0AN, United Kingdom

If you have a food voucher, you can visit our food bank to pick up your emergency food parcel.
It is located in the Upper Church Hall, St Mary’s Battle, Upper Lake, TN33 0AN
(Near the end of the car park, take the right fork and go through the gates to walk over the bridge to the top door of the hall.)

Mid-week Holy Communion

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Mary’s Battle
Upper Lake Battle, TN33 0AN, United Kingdom

This service is held every week on a Thursday morning and is led by either the Dean or a member of the local retired clergy. You are very welcome to come along and it is held in the Lady Chapel which is to the left at the back of St Mary's. Once a month the Mothers' Union meet after the service and non-members are always welcome. Refreshments are provided after the service.

Parish Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary’s Battle
Upper Lake Battle, TN33 0AN, United Kingdom

Parish Communion following the Common Worship Lectionary, normally every Sunday apart from Christmas and Easter. Followed by tea, coffee and biscuits in the Whistler Centre.

BCP Holy Communion and Matins

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Church of the Ascension, Telham
Church of the Ascension, Telham, A2100, Battle, TN33 0SH, United Kingdom

Church of the Ascension, Telham

11.15am service with coffee, pastries & Children’s Church

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary’s Battle
Upper Lake Battle, TN33 0AN, United Kingdom

You are very welcome to come along to this informal service - we’d love to see you there!
There will be a cup of tea or coffee and something delicious to eat when you arrive. We sing a few songs and have a reading and a talk. There is great children's work in the Benedicta Whistler Centre next door. Everyone is welcome!

Choral Evensong

Sunday 02 June 2024 at for 1 hour
St Mary’s Battle
Upper Lake Battle, TN33 0AN, United Kingdom

An uplifting service from the Book of Common Prayer with a short sermon and a robed choir singing hymns and anthems.

First and third Sundays of every month at 6pm