10am Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary
Barcombe Lewes, BN8 5TS, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome in our friendly village church as come together to worship the risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

1st Sunday - All age morning worship
2nd Sunday - Holy Communion (Common Worship)
3rd Sunday - Morning worship
4th Sunday - Holy Communion
5th Sunday - Morning worship

All services (except All-Age) have groups for school-age children.
We use a range of musical styles including organ music and more contemporary songs led by a music group.
Make sure to join us for refreshments after the service.

St Mary

Get in touch

Rev'd Samuel Carter

for Barcombe Church
The Rectory, 1 The Grange
Barcombe, Lewes,
East Sussex


Our website

What's on

10am Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary
Barcombe Lewes, BN8 5TS, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome in our friendly village church as come together to worship the risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

1st Sunday - All age morning worship
2nd Sunday - Holy Communion (Common Worship)
3rd Sunday - Morning worship
4th Sunday - Holy Communion
5th Sunday - Morning worship

All services (except All-Age) have groups for school-age children.
We use a range of musical styles including organ music and more contemporary songs led by a music group.
Make sure to join us for refreshments after the service.