The church is normally open daily from about 9 am to 5.30 pm. You are welcome to pop in to sit and pray, or just enjoy the peace of the church building!A quick way to find all our activities is to use the calendar under SERVICES AND EVENTS.Our online bible study is on hold for Lent; we will be hosting an online Lent course in the same slot - Monday 7.30 pm.See separate post.. Our Easter programme is still to be posted on this page.Watch out for our Early Easter Messy church on 16 March - see separate post.Great news - the Hermitage team of churches, which includes our church, has appointed a new Rector, Revd. Nicola Hulks presently at Thatcham. She will be joining us in early June. See out GET IN TOUCH tab on left for how to contact the team in the meantime.