Roof Re-ridging Appeal

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Maria, our PCC Secretary and friend Fran completed their amazing sponsored walk around Norfolk in the summer of 2023 along its long distance paths a total of nearly 160 miles and raised over £5000.  Congratulations and thank you.

The open garden afternoon in Irstead in July 2023 was a lovely event and raised over £1000 - thank you to everyone who came and supported us.

We should like to thank all those who have contributed to our fundraising events so far and to the community, visitors, friends and family for their kind donations.

Just before Easter we heard that The Norfolk Churches Trust had awarded us £6,000. We are absolutely delighted and thank the Trust very much for their support.

Since our appeal began, there has been some deterioration in the thatch after the very wet weather in 2023/24 and at least a further £2,000 of work has been identified. We therefore hope you will be able to support us in our two further fundraising events this year.

We held a very successful Open Garden at Grove House, Irstead on Saturday 15th June 2024, despite the wind, rain and thunder, we did have some beautiful sunshine, but were thankful to be able to shelter in the large barn when it rained.

On Wednesday 4th September we are hosting a talk and demonstration at the church by the Master Thatcher Mick Aldred at 5.30pm.