St Peter on the East Cliff, Folkestone SERVICES FOR LENT AND EASTER 2025 5th March Ash Wednesday 7.30 pm Solemn Mass and Imposition of Ashes Every Saturday between 8th March & 12th April 11 am Stations of the Cross 13th April Palm Sunday 10.30 am Blessing and Procession of Palms and Solemn Mass 15th April Chrism Mass 12.00 Chrism Mass in Rochester Cathedral 17th April The Easter Triduum Maundy Thursday 7.30 pm Solemn Mass, washing of feet and watch 18th April Good Friday in the Lord’s Passion 12.00 or 3 pm Solemn Prayers and Veneration of the Cross 19th April Holy Saturday 8 pm The Easter Vigil Lighting of the New Fire, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and the First Mass of Easter 20th April EASTER DAY 10.30 am Easter Day in the Lord’s Resurrection Solemn Mass