Thursday Morning Communion Service

Every Second, Fourth, Fifth Thursday at for 45 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Held on alternate Thursdays this is a smaller, more traditional, communion service held in our side chapel.
Those attending the service can stay on afterwards for refreshments at Coffee Pot who meet in the church after the service has finished.

Coffee Pot

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Coffee pot is open to all for a hot drink, biscuit and a natter!
On most Thursdays, following on from coffee a short time of seated exercise is available, (Cost £2).
Donations of 50p suggested for coffee/ tea.

Friday Night Youth

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Friday Night Youth (FNY) is an open door youth club run by the church.
Open to all young people aged 10 to 18 years.
Free of charge.

Term Time Only


Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

For children aged 5 -10 on Sunday mornings.
The children start in the church service and then go out to Supertroopers for fun, games, craft activities, songs, Bible stories and prayers.
Supertroopers meets most Sundays, except when there's an All-Together service. (Usually the second Sunday of the month)

Weekly Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

We meet every Sunday at 10am.
Usual pattern of worship is Holy Communion on 1st & 3rd Sunday. All Age on 2nd Sunday. Word service on 4th Sunday. Holy Communion & Healing on 5th Sunday.

Sunday Youth

Every First, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Sunday youth normally runs on the 1st, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month and runs parallel to the main church service. Young people meet in the Barnabas centre for discussion, food, videos, worship, prayer and fun.
The young people are encouraged to go though into the church for the communion element of the service.

Little Angels

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Play and socialising for toddlers with their parents or carers.
Drinks and fruit.
Crafts, toys and singing.
All welcome.
£1 per family

Term Time Only

Morning Prayers

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Morning Prayers using the Church of England Daily Prayer app, (or the book)
All welcome to join us.
Streamed live on St Cuthbert's Facebook page each week.
Also held at St Cuthbert's (Great Glen) on a Tuesday, St Peter's (Oadby) on a Thursday.

Lent Bible Study Series

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Churches Together in Oadby bible study for Lent 2025, using material produced by the Methodist Church.
2:00pm in the Barnabas Centre at St Paul's or 7:30pm in Zeph's cafe at the Methodist church.

Ukrainian Tea Club

Saturday 25 January 2025, Saturday 08 February 2025, Saturday 22 February 2025, Saturday 08 March 2025, Saturday 22 March 2025, Saturday 05 April 2025, Saturday 19 April 2025 at for 2 hours
The Barnabas Centre
The Barnabas Centre, St. Paul's Close Oadby Leicester, LE2 4LZ

Each Saturday morning, we welcome our friends from the Ukraine into our building to meet together over drinks for fellowship and a time to meet others. Adults and children are welcome. Free.
10.00am to 12.00.
For more information contact [email protected]

Meets every 2 weeks

Prayer Meeting

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Paul's Church
Hamble Road Oadby Leicester, LE2 4NX, United Kingdom

Monthly Prayer Meeting held in the side chapel, after church, on the 4th Sunday of the month.
All welcome to join us.