Facilities and features


Male & Female in the church. Unisex in the Barnabas Centre

Available in both buildings

Bikes can be chained to the handrail at the front of the church

10 spaces in our car park. Other on-road parking available.

In both buildings.

Dedicated accessible space. Step-free access to our buildings.

An Automatic External Defibrillator is fitted to the outside of the Barnabas Centre and is accessible to the public via the ambulance service. (Dial 999)

Both buildings are level throughout.

Available for our services and upon request for other events. (Church, Side Chapel and Barnabas Centre)

Copies available for most services. Speak to a welcomer on your way in.

Are permitted in our buildings.

Gluten free bread or wafers are used for communion services.
Gluten free biscuits are available with tea or coffee after our services.

Both buildings have level, step-free entrances and are on one level throughout, apart from the sanctuary in the church. A ramp is available if access is needed to this area.

Our Building

We have a bronze Eco Church award.

Music and Worship

Used at some services

Play at most services

Groups, Courses and Activities

Friday Night Youth

Coffee Pot on Thursday Mornings

At various times of the year we hold Community Cinema events, open to all.
Intergenerational events are also held on an occasional basis.

Monday Evenings (Not run by the church)

Held over 3 days in August.

Little Angels on Tuesday afternoons

On Saturday mornings we have the Ukrainian Tea Club where we welcome our friends from the Ukraine to meet together and exchange experiences.

Activities during Sunday morning services.
Friday Night Youth, open door youth group operates term-time.

Help for Visitors

Available upon request

Other Features

We encourage the use of Fairtrade products where possible

We collect for Oadby Foodbank

Used during services and for other events.

We hire out most of our premises for community purposes
See our church website