Facilities and features


Our newly refurbished facilities have disabled access, available when the church is in active use.

These are available when the church is in active use, along with steps etc. for toddlers. There are also some basic essentials in case of emergencies.

Parking is available on the verges of Front Street and along Main Street towards Billesdon.

Newly refurbished.

The defibrillator is almost opposite the Front Street gate nearby.

The entrance to the church is level, with only a very slight incline on the path from the gate.

We welcome those with dementia and their carers. Once the Covid-19 virus has abated, we will be having social events aimed this group.

Our Building

We are aiming for all our churches to achieve the bronze Eco-award this year.

The nave of our church was built in the mid 1700s, whilst the chancel is 15th century. The interior is very plain. The box pews were removed about 50 years ago, having been found to have woodworm.
There is a ring of 6 bells, rung from a new ringing chamber.
The clock has been refurbished and we are waiting for it to be re-installed soon. It is rare because it has only an hour hand.

Music and Worship

A ring of 6 bells. Practice is on Thursday evenings.

There are lovely acoustics in the church and we have a series of concerts planned but postponed until after the virus emergency.

Wyvern electronic organ

Our choir sings at the major festivals.

Groups, Courses and Activities

These are currently suspended. We hope to resume Friday Soup lunches, Saturday Teas, the planned concert programme and other social events as soon as possible.

Launde Deanery Moveable Feasts are a form of Messy Church and are held at different churches in turn around the deanery.
They are suspended at present, due to the virus.

We support One Roof Leicester, which runs a night shelter in Leicester.

Help for Visitors

This will be available soon.

The church is open daily and visitors are welcome to spend some time here.

Other Features

We aim to use fair-trade products wherever possible, along with local produce.

We have a basket in church for foodstuffs which go to the local food bank based in Kibworth and is for local residents in Kibworth and surrounding villages - including the Launde Deanery. .