Churches receive no funding from the government so to keep our doors open and services on schedule, we depend heavily on the generosity of individuals. St Nicholas has stood as a centre of worship and of service to the community for hundreds of years. It is our spiritual home and we are proud to be members of this family today. St Nicholas has a lively past and it should have an exciting future but that future is in our hands. Your one off or regular payment of any size makes a genuine impact. Many of our gifts are small but their collective value is of lasting importance. Your gift will help us to provide worship, music and Christian learning and ensure out historic building remains in good repair. There are 3 ways to donate:
SINGLE DONATION: Log on to and follow the instructions
REGULAR GIVING: Many Church members and supporters use the Parish Giving Scheme to make a regular gift. This is a Direct Debit scheme which also reclaims Gift Aid for us monthly. To find out more visit: You will need to quote out unique parish code: 190619127.
GiftAid. If you are a UK tax payer, GiftAid can reclaim the tax on your donation. To be eligible you must meet the following criteria.
*An individual must be a UK tax payer or must pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the PCC reclaims on your donations in the appropriate tax year.
*Donations made by individual donors must be from their own money.
*Donors can only donate for themselves and their immediate family members only.
POST: Cheques made payable to Parochial Church Council fo Fleckney' can be sent to the PCC Treasurer, 25 Gladstone Street, Fleckney LE8 8AH
IN PERSON: When Fleckney Church is open, donations can left in the plate or by QR code or contactless payment with your debit card.
Thank you.