
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information


Getting here

Holy Trinity Wrockwardine Wood was built and consecrated in 1833 and was originally in the Parish of St Peter's Wrockwardine until the New Parishes Act came into being in the mid 1850's where Wrockwardine Wood became an independent Parish.

The area has changed significantly over the course of its history after the decline in heavy industry, but we are proud to be the last remaining public place of worship in the Parish and intend to make sure that the light of Christ still shines out into the community to which we endeavour to serve.

We are proud to have a CofE School in the Parish where last year we celebrate our 180th Anniversary in the presence of The Rt Hon Frank Field MP.

Holy Trinity has recently been re-ordered with facilities in church greatly improved which includes comfortable church chairs, a level floor with under floor heating, new toilets, Hearing Loop, Sound System with projector/screen and a new Allen Organ.    

Our Mission as a church is to not only meet the worshipping needs of the congregation but to make the building accessible to the entire community so that we can relate the gospel of Christ accordingly and make his love known both in word and action. 

Church Road, Wrockwardine Wood
Wrockwardine Wood

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