Worship Together Service

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Jude's Church Wolverhampton
St Jude's Church Tettenhall Road Wolverhampton, WV6 0EB, United Kingdom

Sunday morning worship starts at 10:30am.
For the first Sunday of the month and in school holidays we meet together as the family of God to sing, pray and learn about God together. There are no separate children's groups but the creche area will be open for under 5s.
After the service please stay for refreshments and the chance to meet and chat with other people.

St Jude's Church Wolverhampton

Welcome to our website, it provides information on our worship services and events.


When you come to church, come as you are, you don’t need to wear special clothes and you can sit where you like. Once the formal service has finished there are refreshments.  Do stay and chat.  We have separate activities for children (during term times) and a crèche for parents to use with their toddlers during service.

Our vicar recently retired. Whilst we look for a new vicar, our services are being coordinated by the churchwardens and a team of local preachers and worship leaders. 

Get in touch

Alita Caine - on Wednesdays and Thursdays (9.30am to 5.30pm)

c/o The Vicarage, 21a St Judes Road, Wolverhampton

Alita Caine - Church Office
(01902) 753360
What's on

Worship Together Service

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Jude's Church Wolverhampton
St Jude's Church Tettenhall Road Wolverhampton, WV6 0EB, United Kingdom

Sunday morning worship starts at 10:30am.
For the first Sunday of the month and in school holidays we meet together as the family of God to sing, pray and learn about God together. There are no separate children's groups but the creche area will be open for under 5s.
After the service please stay for refreshments and the chance to meet and chat with other people.

St Jude's Church Wolverhampton Charity No. 1132485