Time for Everything - Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

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Church_news From_the_Vicar Notices

Today our theme is ‘Time for Everything’. We listen to one of the most well-known parts of the Bible, but whereas readings usually stop at the end of verse 8 we look at the whole chapter. We discover the Teacher of Ecclesiastes is not just interested in observing patterns of life, he sees the God who made the world is deeply involved in all that takes place in our lives. To understand the full beauty of life we have to trust him.

A service of Holy Communion: Philip Robertson – our vicar – leads the service and preaches, James Sturgeon – one of our Church Wardens - reads from the bible, Amita Sudra leads us in our prayer, and Arthur Parkes plays the organ. The recording includes an organ recital by Arthur once the service has finished.

Watch a reccording of the service on YouTube - by going to the Virtual Vicar page on this website