Coronavirus (COVID-19)


In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have stated that public worship is suspended until further notice and so there will be no services or church groups of any kind at St Giles’ Church Whittington, including for Easter. This is likely to last until Autumn.

The church will be generally open for individual private prayer.

At home you are encouraged to make use of the wide range of resources on our Church website and to tune into the one of the many streamed services around the world.

and a comprehensive service at home booklet on the what's on page of our website.…/praying-at-home-march-2020/

You can still contact Father Jason if you have questions or concerns and to request prayers at [email protected]

Be assured of our continued prayers for you and those whom you care for at this time.

Christ with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ in me,

Christ beneath me,

Christ above me,

Christ on my right,

Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down,

Christ when I sit down,

Christ when I arise,

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.

Generous and Merciful God, fill us with compassion and concern for others, young and old; that we may look after each other in these challenging times, especially those among us who are vulnerable. May your example give us the courage we need to go to the margins, wherever they may be. Heal us of our fear.