In 2018, the Parochial Church Council of St Giles’ Church began a project to improve the facilities in our church building. Whilst, of course, we have a relatively small congregation compared to city churches, we regularly attract over thirty people to our 9.30 am Sunday worship. We had over fifty in the congregation at Easter. We would be delighted to welcome more people from Whittington. Our toilet is small and cramped, and doubles as a washing-up area for our after-service refreshments. There is very little space in the church itself for the congregation to relax and chat over coffee after the service. The church entrance is not welcoming to the casual visitor, with poor sightlines into the church itself from the porch. This is important as our church is open every day, ‘dawn to dusk’. Working with our church architect, our proposals have been reviewed and agreed by Lichfield Diocese and all the relevant statutory bodies that should be involved. They are happy that we will not be ruining the essential nature of the building. All that remains is for us to apply for planning permission to increase the size of the toilet, and to allow the members of the parish a thirty-day consultation period. The latter will run from 1st to 30th July this year. Details of how to object to the proposals will be posted in the church and on the church door from 1st July. In brief the proposed changes are: · Create a disabled toilet and baby changing point. · Free up space at the back of the church for a ‘meet and greet’ area with storage for freestanding chairs and tables. · Install a refreshment point, with water heating and washing up facilities, inside a cupboard at the back of the church. · Replace the solid wood panels in the inner doors with glass. · Carry out work to the doors and floor in the porch to improve the ‘welcome’. · Free up space at the front of the nave inside the church. · Reconfigure space in the vestry and stairwell to increase storage. Whilst the changes will be of direct benefit to the worshipping community, along with families at weddings and baptisms held in the church, they will also allow us to offer the building for other uses, providing modern facilities for meetings and events. If you would like to see the plans ‘in situ’ please contact the churchwarden, David Clarke ( and 07836 334796), who will be happy to arrange to meet you in the church and show you where the changes will happen.
It is nearly two years since we had a vicar looking after the three churches of St Giles’, Whittington, St Mary’s, Weeford, and St Bartholomew’s, Hints. In that time, members of the congregation have stepped up to do those tasks that we would otherwise have expected our vicar to carry out. Obviously (not being ordained or trained in some aspects of pastoral care) we can’t do everything a vicar could do, and we have had to seek assistance from some great retired clergy to help, and take the services – including baptisms, weddings, and funerals – that even our own Lay Reader, Gill Hollis, is not licensed to lead. We are conscious that we may not always be able to provide the care to the village that a vicar could, and I apologise when we fall short of your expectations. We are in the process of trying to recruit a new vicar, but this is a slow process, and we are largely at the mercy of the Diocese of Lichfield. We hope to be able to advertise in early 2023. Realistically, it will be some months more before we might have a vicar. Even when that happens, this will be a part-time appointment, covering the three parishes. This is because, going forward, we cannot afford a full-time post. But, we are still here, open for God’s business, so to speak! You are all very welcome to come to our services (9.30am each Sunday) and I can assure you of a friendly welcome. We have an excellent Parish Administrator, Lynne Mills. Lynne can be contacted on or 07721 767963. Lynne works 13 hours a week and can usually be found, in person, in the Parish Office (Church Hall) between 10.00am and 3.00pm on a Thursday. Please do contact Lynne in the first instance if you have any query. My very best wishes to you all, David David Clarke – Churchwarden, St Giles’ Church
ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS (APCMs) The APCMs for all three of our churches will take place in May on the following dates: St Bartholomew’s church Hints – Wednesday 18th May at 7.30 pm in church St Mary’s church Weeford – Thursday 19th May at 11.00 am in church St Giles’ church Whittington – Sunday 22nd May after the service, approximately 10.45 am in church If anyone is interested in joining one of our Parochial Church Councils (PCCs), including the position of Church Warden, application forms will be made available. Our council members play an important role in representing all of us in making key decisions within the parish. You must be on the electoral role to be considered for these posts, but other than that we welcome people who are passionate about growing God’s Kingdom in this place. People will be voted onto the PCC at the APCM. The powers and duties of PCCs are laid down in law. Key duties are to co-operate with the vicar in promoting the mission of the Church in the parish and to be responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. It also has a voice in the forms of service used by the church and may make representations to the bishop and deanery synod on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish. Our PCCs meet regularly to discuss matters about the life of the Church. Apart from finance and buildings, they consider the Church's mission and involvement in the community, support of missionary work, the social life and activities of the Church, the spiritual development of the congregation and our worship.