A Right Royal Thank You!

At the annual Royal Maundy Service Her Majesty The Queen distributed the Royal Maundy gifts on behalf of His Majesty The King at Worcester Cathedral. Ceremonial coins were presented to 75 men and 75 women from around the country. The number of men and women receiving the Maundy Money is equivalent to the Monarch’s age. The gift is presented in recognition of their exemplary Christian service to church and community over many years.

Since 1213, monarchs of this country have presented Maundy gifts. In recent times it has been the tradition for the service to travel to different cathedrals . The word ‘Maundy’ comes from the Latin word meaning ‘Commandment’. It was on this Thursday, the day before he died, that Jesus gave his disciples what he described as a new commandment: ‘You should love one another as I have loved you.’