A Letter from Rev'd Vivienne

June is one of my favourite months to stroll round and enjoy all the gardens and trees, now beginning to bloom in all their glory as people put in their bedding plants and hanging baskets. I know many gardens here in Weston will be busy getting ready for next month’s Open Gardens, and as I go from village to village to our churches, I feel so lucky that we live in such a beautiful part of the UK. It makes me think of the verse “For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands” Isaiah 55:12 God is the God of Creation, always renewing our world, making it beautiful, giving us animals and plants in abundance. We are responsible for looking after that world and always, always, giving thanks for it. We will give thanks for our animal friends on June 23rd 3.30pm at the PET SERVICE in Stowe.

All animals will be welcome in church.

On June 30th at 11.00am at Hixon you could clap your hands and make a noise at Hixon, at our WorshipFest, which will be a real chance for lively praise - followed by a Picnic! God is not only always renewing our beautiful world, but He is also continuing renewing ourselves. Jesus is always there, waiting for us just to ask!

With every blessing,
