The Church Electoral Roll is completely renewed every six years. 2025 is one of those years!
- Occurring
- for 31 days, 9 hours
- Venue
- Address
What is the Church Electoral Roll?
Every local Anglican church has to have one!
This is a formal list of those qualified to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting where the elections take place for the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and parish representatives on the Deanery Synod.
In accordance with the Church Representation Rules, 2025 is a year in which an entirely new Church Electoral Roll must be prepared in advance of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in every parish in the Church of England. This list, when compiled, must be published with names only, no other details, on the church noticeboard prior to the Annual Meeting.
Those entitled to have their names on this roll must be 16 years of age or over and they must reside in the relevant Parish or be regular worshipers in church whose roll they wish to join.
The Electoral Roll is completely renewed every six years, at which point all members have to re-apply for membership or else their names have to be deleted. By this means, the continuing validity and relevance of the roll is maintained. For your name to be entered on the Roll it will be necessary for you (or someone on your behalf) to complete a simple form.
This must be handed in to your local church representative.
Many people find that the renewal of the roll provides an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to be part of their local church family.
However you don’t have to be on the roll to come to church!
Wherever you are on your journey, you will always be welcome at any of our churches.
The roll will have to be renewed this year in each one of the churches of the Mid-Trent Team.
Please contact any of our church wardens and they will be able to help and explain what you need to do.
Thank you.