The Heart of Weston Coffee Morning and Health Checks on Saturday 1st March 10-00am until 1-00pm

Weston Village Hall Saturday 1st March 10-00am until 1-00pm

Do you know what your blood pressure is or what your blood sugar level is? Knowing these really can be a life saver. Why not call in and have a mini health check, or you can just have a catch up with friends while taking the chance to have a cuppa, cake, and a chat! There will also be a selection of stalls, which will include handmade products and goods.

•Blood pressure checks •Blood sugar checks •ECGs for over 35 year olds

•Refreshments and homemade cakes •Community First Responders

Please contact Jane Phillips 07824 - 399524 or [email protected] to book in for an ECG – places are limited.