Weston WI in the Methodist Church Hall.

Our June meeting was well attended.

The Speaker was Dean Nixon who spoke to us about ensa which stands for Entertainments National Service Association. ENSA followed the armed forces around different areas of conflict during wartime and afterwards. It was started by Basil Dean and Leslie Henson who had a background in theatre and film. Ensa had problems recruiting entertainers; problems with finances and the military authorities. However, despite all these issues they still had great entertainers such as Tommy Trinder, Vera Lynn and Gracie Fields. It was a spring board for lots of other talent. ENSA recruited over 2000 entertainers and many continued their career after the war ended.

We meet as a group every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2-00pm  in the Methodist Church Hall.

If you would like to make new friends and get involved we would love to meet you.

Sandra Horobin press officer