Plasma for Hope, sharing free food, free advice, and free keep warm help this weekend for all who attend St John's Church, Scarborough Road, Pleck WS2 9TR. Sat 9th March from 1pm. All welcome

A Healing service is a time when prayer will be made for individuals present, anointing and/or the laying on of hands will be available to those who wish to receive it, and prayer will be made for the needs of others not present.


The church will be open from 10am to 2pm on Friday 9th September for those whiching to spend time of reflection and prayer

After over 20 years of loyal service to the people of Pleck and Bescot, Rev Bonnie Beckett is retiring. We are holding a leaving event on Sunday 26th June 2022 at 10.30am. All Welcome....
