A letter from the Area Staff for February 2022

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Christmas seems a long way off now, when we hopefully had some time to celebrate and to rest in the company of family and friends. Everything relating to Christmas: decorations, cards, gifts, tree are all safely put back or disposed of and presents enjoyed in their usage. It seems that Christmas, then is ‘done and dusted’ for another year. And yet right at the beginning of February we have a reminder that Christmas is not done with us yet! The Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, sometimes known as Candlemas and the Purification of Mary, occurs on the 2nd of February, forty days after Christmas, and is one of my favourite feast days, as I know it is for others too.</span>

Tradition has it that the greenery decorating homes should be taken down and the Crib scene put away.

The festival has a bitter-sweet nature. It’s about revelation, with Jesus being taken to the Temple by Mary and Joseph, in accordance with Jewish law and tradition there presented to the Father and shown to the people. There they are greeted by Simeon and Anna, who rejoice at seeing him. Simeon speaks those prophetic words about the falling and rising of many and the sword that will pierce, leading on to the Passion and to Easter. There are several pointers to the suffering of Jesus in the Christmas season scriptures and liturgy, but I think none so poignant and potent as these words spoken by Simeon. And Anna, telling all who were waiting for God to set Jerusalem free about the child, Jesus and what she had witnessed. And of course, there are those other wonderful words of Simeon’s, ‘Lord, you have kept your promise and let your servant go in peace,’ Words beloved of so many Christians, bringing heartfelt hope and peace.

At St. Mary’s Uttoxeter there is a wonderful depiction of the Presentation. It’s my favourite window and I marvel at the scene. Particularly with the thought that Simeon holds the creator of the world in his arms. We can learn much from that scene in the Temple: Simeon, patiently waiting for the Messiah, but praising and giving glory to God; Mary looking on adoringly, but with trepidation in her heart at what was to come; Anna, dedicating herself to a life of worship and joyful proclamation and Joseph looking on in the background with his offering of thanksgiving and obedience, doing what was required. Which one to you associate yourself with?

It is also a festival of light too! Coming at a dark time of year in the winter season reminding us that this babe in arms becomes a man , who is Christ the Light of the World.

This event and words coming as they do at the very end of the Christmas celebration with Lent nearly always close, makes The Presentation a kind of pivot in the Christian year. It is as if we say’ One last look back to Christmas and now turn towards the cross.’ It seems to signify to me that life goes on, but enables us to look back and to look forward too!

I wonder what your “looking back” is like, are there regrets, or are there thoughts of happiness and thankfulness? And I wonder what you are looking forward to? I hope that whatever your circumstance, as you journey on, like Simeon and Anna you can quietly, thankfully and joyfully know that Jesus is with you as he lights your way.

Blessings and peace


Rev Charles Dale, Minister for Uttoxeter Area of Parishes