1 November
Father, we pray for all the parishes in the Uttoxeter Area of Parishes, from Tean to Marchington and Stramshall to Gratwich. We ask for wisdom, guidance, patience, insight, good humour, courage and a willingness to work together. Amen.
8th November
We give thanks for Annette Jinks and Noel Green, and Gill and Alan, who have contributed so much to our understanding of Tean in the two World Wars. Help us to learn to lessons from these and other wars, so we can resolve conflicts peacefully in our own lives and to campaign for peace wherever we can.
15th November
Father, we give thanks for all the shops that make up our community, be it Tean Chippy and the Ru Yi takeaways, the Co-op, the hairdressers, the sandwich shop, the Post Office pharmacy, the bathroom emporium and whoever else. We give for the life and service they give to the village of Tean.
22nd November
We pray for the running of the church at Tean. We ask that you give a couple or three people a nudge to be Churchwarden's or Treasurer so that we can do the job well in your name. We give thanks for the team work at Tean over the years, which keeps it going and keeps the church alive in this place.
29 November
We pray for everyone in the community. For people who are isolated or isolating, for families struggling to keep going, for those who encourage people through phone calls and socially-distanced visits. Help us to serve the community of Tean better, and help all those in the Uttoxeter Area of Parishes to be true people of God in the months to come. Amen.