Related Churches
Uttoxeter, Heath Mission Church
Welcome to our church, a living loving part of our community!
We are open following an extensive refurbishment
Services are held every 1st Sunday at 3pm, come and join us, coffee and chat following the service
Gratwich St.Mary the Virgin
Welcome to our church page. Do look at our photos in the gallery, and if you'd like to know more, ask someone in the village or email us on; [email protected]
Marchington St.Peter
Welcome to our church, a living loving part of our village community, we'd love to see you! We have a service every Sunday at 10am in church. Keep an eye open for more details about our services....visit the website
Upper Tean Christ Church
Welcome to our church; a living community at the heart of our village! Contact Rev Joe if you want to know more, or call in, the church itself is open most days.
Kingstone St. John the Baptist
Welcome to our church, a living loving part of our village community!
Our vision as Christians is to develop as a welcoming community of faith, sharing God’s love in worship, spirituality, word and deed, and seeking to respond to the needs of the people of the village and wider community in which we are an active presence and partner.
We hold services in the church every Sunday at 11am, and are actively involved in many areas of our community too.
Bramshall St. Lawrence
Welcome to St. Lawrence's. Our village church is a living part of the local community, and offers a warm and inclusive welcome. Our regular Sunday services start at 11.00am. Bramshall's Little Treasures is a toddler & parent group for pre-school children, which is held in the adjacent Parish Hall on Friday mornings from 9.30 - 11.30am.
For visitors, our church is open 9.00am - 4.00pm every Saturday & Sunday, and you are welcome to spend time in and around the building.
Checkley St. Mary and All Saints
Welcome to our village church, the heart of our community, we'd love to see you! We have a Sunday service at 11am on the 1st 3 Sundays of each month, and so much more going on in the village.
Leigh All Saints
Welcome to our church, a living loving part of our village community! We are open and holding services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in church. Contact Rev Joe if you want to know more.
Marchington Woodlands St. John
Welcome to our church, a living part of our village community, and to our Sunday services.
Stramshall St.Michael and All Angels
Welcome to our village church, a living part of our community! We'd be delighted to welcome you into church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10am. On the 3rd Sunday we're meeting on Zoom for an act of worship at 10am. Contact one of us, or Lesley at the office if you'd like to know more, you'd be very welcome.
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