Facilities and features
Wheelchair accessible in church
Bike rack outside
80 space car park off Park drive with 2 disabled spaces
Wheelchair accessible Toilet in church
Yes in church
To the left of the main gate there is a ramp to take you round to the main church path from which it is flat to enter the Church building or the Church centre
Bibles are available in large print and the weekly newssheet is also available to takeaway in large print
All refreshments are clearly marked and catered for
Yes there is a ramp to the left of the main gate that avoids the steps. The entrance through the main door is flat
Our Building
there are some stained glass windows
Music and Worship
no resident organist but it is used for Funerals, Weddings and at 9.30am service on sunday and 10.30am service on a Wednesday we try to have someone to play the organ
8am Sunday is traditional BCP communion
We have several different worship groups that lead the 11am service
Groups, Courses and Activities
In termtime we have
5pm on Friday's Younger basement for those in years 4,5 & 6
7pm on Friday's Basement for those in year 7 and above
Both meet in the Church Centre which is set up which Pool, Table Tennis, Sofa's etc
There is a group for youth on a Sunday at 11am service
Lifegroups are held throughout the week
and Alpha is held starting in January 2024
Next course is from January 2025 please contact for actual details
Group meets once a month in the Graham Vestry please ask for details
Little stars meets in term time on a Tuesday
Help for Visitors
Other Features
We serve Fairtrade Coffee & Tea
We support Stoke on trent Foodbank and collect in church and on The man in space car park on a Saturday 10-11am
Screens which are used for the services and Livestreaming
The church centre is available to hire please contact the office for further details