Latest newsletter for St. Mary's , Swynnerton and St. James, Cotes Heath 16 th May

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Read the latest news from the Church of England over concerns about memorials in our churches which have links to slavery and of the first planned meeting of the General Synod, ' in person'  since the lockdown. Plus news of their new booklet published to help those who are struggling with their mental health.

Church family news and look whose been celebrating their birthdays recently !!

This weeks bible passage from John's gospel are words from the High Priestly prayer. They are said by Jesus as he prays for his diciples as the culmination of his earthly ministry reaches a climax and soon he will no longer be with them . Nicky Beasley writes ,  as Jesus prays for his Father to care and protect them as believers they are prayers for us too. As Jesus is now ascended to heaven and as our great High Priest we can be assured that Jesus  now intecedes for us on our behalf. What reassurance.

This weeks prayers have been written by Julie Leweney