As we come to the end of Easter week, we have 'An Easter Celebration' to look forward to on Sunday. This promises to be a wonderful concert at St. Luke's sung by Quintetto.For the more active there is the Open Afternoon on the bowling green. Everyone is welcome to both of these events - you will find more details on the newsletter.
There are lots for you to join in with over the weekend - and also a couple of events coming up in the near future for you to put in your diary. Everyone is welcome to all of these events.The sun is shining and the Easter message is one of hope and joy. Have a blessed Easter!
In the church calendar, it's Palm Sunday tomorrow which marks the beginning of Holy Week. There are lots of events and activities - in church, in the churchyard, around the village and at the village hall to mark this very special week. Check them out on the newsletter and on the Facebook pages - St Luke's Church Tittensor and Tittensor Information, News & Events.