
Paul Graetz offers a welcome reminder that in the midst of the awfulness people are experiencing, God will still be with us, unchanging as we dash or stumble around. There's also news of yet more events in the village!

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Two important notes for this week:
1. There will be no Tittensor Tots on 14th March because of covid self-isolation.
2. Movie Night at St Luke's will be on THURSDAY at 7 p.m. and not Friday as the Newsletter says. Don't worry, it's still free.

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The war in Ukraine has rightly dominated and the Newsletter covers it, with a personal connection, a reflection on a refusal to turn away from violence and ways and means of helping and coping. You can also read the growing list of local events.

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Ths week, David Porter reflects on how we might use the ancient Christian period of Lent in a more modern way to improve who we are, we get a reminder of Fairtrade fortnight and there is a prayer for the people of Ukraine.

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