
This week Paul Graetz reflects on the medical problems we face in life and the support offered by God, the Season of Creation opens and there's a long list of upcoming events at St Luke's and in the wider community.

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The summer holiday season draws to a close and St Luke's will soon be 'rearranged' again as we prepare for the month of the 'Season of Creation'. Revd Noreen Russell reminds us of how different people think of what 'church' means.

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This week, David Porter reflects on the times of Oliver Cromwell and everyone's struggle to offer forgiveness then and now. We also hear news of Messy Church, the Summer Café and the upcoming Children's Summer Party.

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Revd Noreen Russell reflects this week on the national enthusiasm for football, the rules by which it is played, and our Christian 'rulebook', the Bible. Staying with the football theme, there's news of a famous visitor to St Luke's!

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